Ozone Therapy Dentist San Diego . Orange County . Los Angeles

Ozone therapy dentist Dr. Amy Khajavi integrates ozone therapy in all her dental surgeries for patients in San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles.

Ozone Therapy
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Ozone Therapy In Dental Practice

Ozone therapy plays a vital role in dentistry because of its unmatched antimicrobial and immunostimulating properties that help prevent infections and accelerate healing. Moreover, it’s extremely safe and free from side effects. Today, ozone therapy is highly recommended in every dental practice and widely utilized in almost all dental applications.

Ozone is the most powerful yet a naturally occurring agent that helps us fight against harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Our body also produces ozone at the cellular-level (white blood cells) to kill deadly microorganisms.

Recent clinical studies have established that ozone therapy can stop early tooth decay, remove bacterial waste products and jumpstart dental repair through accelerated re-mineralization. The research also revealed that tooth decay could be stopped and reversed predictably with the use of ozone therapy. Achieving such dental results without invasive intervention has radically changed the way we practice modern dentistry.

At All Natural Dentistry, Dr. Amy Khajavi integrates ozone therapy in all her dental surgeries and implants as well as orthodontic and aesthetic dentistry, TMJ and oral surgical procedures. Dr. Khajavi, a biological dentist, is a multiple award winner in dentistry with advanced degrees. She has been a practicing dentist of more than 20 years and specializes in full mouth reconstruction and implant dentistry. Dr. Khajavi uses safe and biocompatible materials in her dental practice.

How Will Your Doctor Administer Ozone?

For dental therapies, ozone is administered in three forms: water, oil, and gas. Ozone gas is administered through a handpiece fitted with a cup or small cannula. It can also be injected. While ozone is used to disinfect and fortify the water used in the dental procedures, ozone oil is used for oral lesions, root canals, pockets and disinfection after tooth extractions. Whatever the form of ozone, patients need not worry because not only is ozone safe for them and the environment, it also not foul tasting or smelling.

Different Uses Of Ozone In Dental Procedures

The use of ozone therapy depends on clinical procedures. However, it is used in combination to assist in dental surgery, act as a disinfectant, and stimulate immunity or as a minimally invasive diagnostic or treatment method.

Dental Surgery And Tooth Extraction

Ozone is commonly used as a topical disinfectant and to boost healing after dental surgery. Dentists also use ozone-enriched water for irrigation and apply gauze that is dipped in ozone water to compress the tooth extraction site after dental surgical procedures.

Removable Implant Dentures

Patients who wear removable dentures have to deal with unpleasant odors, inflammation of the mouth or denture plaque due to a microorganism known as Candida albicans. Using ozone in cleaning and disinfecting removable implant dentures is highly effective in inhibiting these microorganisms.

Disinfection of Medical Instruments

Ozone-enriched water is highly effective in cold sterilization of dental and medical instruments, countertops and other crucial areas and dental equipment. It can also be utilized as a disinfectant for surgical loupes lenses, fiber optic tips, contact lenses as well as a hand sanitizer.

If you are looking for cutting-edge dentistry services using the latest dental technologies and methods such as ozone therapy, please call All Natural Dentistry at (858) 683-4862 to schedule your dental appointment. Dr. Amy Khajavi also offers all the major dental procedures including teeth cleaning, cosmetic dentistry, TMJ, and resolving neuromuscular problems.

The results

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Frequently asked questions

Who Will Require A Full Mouth Reconstruction?
Patients who have broken teeth, infected gums, or feel jaw pain, which is causing discomfort and affecting oral health, should contact their dentist to see if they are a fit candidate for a full mouth reconstruction.
What Should I Expect In a Full Mouth Reconstruction?
Mouth Reconstruction after thoroughly examining a patient as suitability for the procedure is on a case-by-case basis. However, if you have two or more of the following dental issues, you may require a full mouth reconstruction procedure.

Missing teeth due to decay or trauma, Broken or fractured teeth, Worn out teeth due to acid or tooth grinding, Receding gums or gum disease, Continuing headache, and jaw and muscle pain.
Dr. Amy's Experience With Full Mouth Reconstruction
Dr. Khajavi has extensive experience in full mouth reconstruction and helping patients attain healthy, confident and dazzling smiles. Dr. Khajavi has won multiple awards as a dentist, holds advanced dental degrees and also offers other major dental procedures including cosmetic dentistry, treatment for neuromuscular problems, dental cleaning, and TMJ.

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